Sunday, August 23, 2009

Juror Awards Announced!

Below is the official response from our jurors for 2009's La Grande Summer Film Project. The special jurors were Benjamin Morgan (Summershine Films) and Ian Clark (Inc. Productions). We were grateful for there attendance and participation in this project. The Jury Award Winners will also be shown at next weeks EOFF!

LGSFP Jury Award Winners

August 23, 2009

Overall, we were very impressed with the lineup this year. Making a film in 48 hours is a daunting task. All five teams stepped up to the plate and delivered, much to the delight of a supportive and enthusiastic hometown audience. Well done!

Jury Award: Vampire Pioneers from Lake Terror / Brian Wallace
A crowd favorite, we chose this campy horror film as a jury award winner for its successful execution of the genre, and effective Scooby-Doo'esque humor and dialog.

Jury Award: A Moment / Chris Jennings
We loved this avant-garde slice-of-life. Great night exteriors, controlled camera movement, and convincing cinema verite performances. This film was the most intellectually and artistically driven work screened during LGSFP.

Special Mention for Best Story: How to Love a Quitter / Mike Surber
This unique love story, based on Jamie Gustafson's amazing, original hand-crafted book, was a well executed and very compelling romantic-comedy. Great use of special fx, strong soundtrack, and overall solid execution of concept.

We also really enjoyed the film from team Western, which featured some very compelling locations, costumes, and overall strong production design; and Crime Spree, a humorous, yet convincing portrayal of a half-baked, recession-inspired bank robbery. Kudos all around!

We look forward to seeing next year's entries.

After the weeks exhausting and exhilarating activities it has come down to this. The films were are all great - the screenings were wonderful. We had close to 300 people check out the films and we had about 100 votes cast at the screenings. The Audience Choice award was a TIE! "Vampire Pioneers from Lake Terror" (Brian Wallace) and "How to Love a Quitter" (Mike Surber) will both be shown at next weeks EOFF! It was great to watch all of the viewers during these films, they were so involved, invested, so bowled over with these two charming films. Congratulations!

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