Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lots of progress made in the last 24, but not so much sleep ...

Hey all,
After staying up WAY too late last night and getting up earlier than I have in quite some time, I put in a day's work at my real job, and then the hard stuff began. I swung by Valley Video on the way home, and John was nice enough to provide me with a mic and boom (Duncan was very happy about that). Sound guys ... so easy to please. Then I spent as much time as I could capturing video from the GL onto the computer, so I could be sure which settings I wanted to use.

Of COURSE it's raining! Why wouldn't it be? Today was supposed to be our day to film daytime shots. So the plan had to change; we'd film the nighttime stuff, and make sure we didn't start any scenes we couldn't finish tonight, because there's no counting on it being stormy again tomorrow.

6:00, and I was off to Highway 30. Anna was very cool, and showed me how to operate everything, and where all the switches are, and what to do when we leave. I felt like I was training for a new job. It was fun. Filming got off to a slow start with a literal, last-minute change in actors.

But then it started to pick up, and we got WAY more filmed than we were even planning on. I'd say at this point that at least 50% of our short has been shot. I had big plans of coming home, and writing a witty blog, and then editing what we got done. At this point it's becoming quite clear that neither of those is happening. There were pictures taken, but I forgot to procure them. So maybe there will be pictures later? After sleep. Yes ... sleep.

It was kind of surreal hanging out in HW30 all night. It felt like we had our own coffee shop; very Friends. Minus the random hipsters. So, tomorrow we film away from Highway 30, because it's open mic night, and that last until 9. Then we are back "on set" Wednesday with the hopeful plan of getting everything else filmed so Thursday can be spent editing. Then maybe I can take a nap after work on Friday before the Big Show.

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