Sunday, June 21, 2009

Update - the musicians / music (take note filmmakers)

So it has been a little bit of a challenge as I try to nail down the bands. Word on the street was that some were not playing much anymore, one group was dissolved for the summer, not to mention my own frantic days of juggling to much... but I digress.

I spoke with a key band member Avery Hook for "City of Animals" the other day and he confirmed their desire to make it happen... so a spark hath come.

Will be conferring with "Test Audiences" and push to rally "Sons of Guns".

PLAN B: (we're thinking a handful of movie trailers.)


Chuck P. said...

This is chuck with Valley Video. If the bands are non-committal and plan b is possibly trailers, why don't we switch to the 48 hour format and do 3-5 minute shorts. People could assemble their own teams, actors, locate equipment between now and say the first weekend in august. shoot that weekend and then in two weeks it could debut at the festival. If we changed the format, I know at least 2 directors with their own cameras and editing software who would be interested in it. People I have talked to have been uninterested in the music video concept, and the trailer idea seems to be missing as well, myself included. A weekend shoot, two-two and a half days is easier to get than trying to find time over a work week and there is enough advance notice to block out that weekend now, giving employers two months notice.

Just my thoughts as I've been mulling this over. I would be excited to do a 48hour comp. I really love the idea and the fast paced nature of it brings out the real ingenuity in people.

Take care, fish and chips...that's how I see it.

Chuck P. said...

Cold Coffee site is down.

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